Women Torn Between Leaning in or Leaning Back!

Recently I enjoyed one of my favorite actors, Robert De Niro in an excellent movie,  The Intern.  By the way, Anne Hathaway was stunning as well.  If you have not already seen this funny and spot on creative movie about generational challenges chock full of light-hearted intensity, you must.  Several themes emerged; the retiree looking to rewire for continued purpose in life, the role of men as stay at home partners raising children and a young emerging “fire breathing” woman who successfully launches her own company only to find herself torn between leaning in and leaning back.

I Like Change…You Go First!

The topic of change has been part of my career as a coach and consultant for over 30 years.

My how time flies by when you’re having fun!

I have addressed the topic of change and transition with individuals, teams and organizations in training, keynotes, facilitations and strategic planning.  The types of change, whether developmental, transitional or transformational have all been challenging.  All depend on the readiness of the person, team and organization to absorb the process.

Spring Cleaning…Body, Mind and Spirit

Yes indeed it’s that time of year– Spring has sprung…

One of my joys is simple gardening.  It calls for pruning plants so that they may grow stronger, last longer and blossom more fully in splendor.  Many of us can understand this and so I think it is a great analogy for what we need to do with ourselves.

Bottom line, whether you have flowers and sunshine or snow and cold, you cannot control nature and so it’s time to focus on letting nature  emerge in  its organic rhythm.

And focus on what we can control by listening to our internal clock  telling us it’s time to take inventory and  discard and sort.

I  always coach to looking at ourselves in a 360 degree way.  As complex and yet simple beings,  spring cleaning simply needs to look at 3  primary areas.

Keeping it Real and the Goddess Within

Well, here we are at the end of the month and this is when I decided that I would write!

Keeping it real, I don’t want to write just to say I wrote my blog, and told myself if I ever do something just to say I did, I would stop.

I’m glad I have held true, mostly, to this belief – in my careers, relationships, all areas of my life.  This month has been a most introspective one, and that seems appropriate as spring nears.

You see, some seeds take root in the spirit, while others blow away in the wind.  The seeds I speak of are those in the form of promises to myself, new leaves to turn over and resolutions that have gone with the wind.  And as such, this has been a time of spiritual awakening.


February Month of the Heart: Forgiveness, the Greatest Love of ALL - Part 3 of 3

In this February Month of the Heart last in a series of 3 blogs, I have chosen the topic of forgiveness as the greatest love of all.

It means forgiving yourself, sometimes harder for me than forgiving others.

I have found this subject so fascinating and challenging that years ago while working at Stanford University Hospital,  I enrolled in  a seven  week course on it at Stanford University.  In the first class the professor began by asking each person why we were in the  class.

February Month of the Heart: The Most Important Choice You’ll Ever Make (Part 2 of 3)

One of the most important choices you’ll ever make is choosing a mate.

Yes indeed  Love of Other – Romantic Love, is key in our success in life.

This is in no way saying that not choosing to be with a partner makes us unsuccessful.  I’m just saying that the partner we choose is important in dictating our lifestyle and so much more.

In coaching clients, and in my own life,   I emphasize that  honest self-exploration is important to be the best partner you can be.  Two halves do not make a whole…never truer than in a relationship. Don’t know about you, but when my heart is right all else can flow and  I can better cope with life’s challenges.

February Month of the Heart: How Do I Love Me? Let Me Count the Ways (Part 1 of 3)

February has been declared American Heart Month.

A timely question for each of us to ask is:  How do I love me, with this being the month of Valentine’s Day.

For the month I thought to blog in a series on Love.

This first post of three in a series invites you to  explore the different kinds of love and focus on self-love.  Taking care of our hearts in a physical, emotional and spiritual way makes good heart sense!

10 Principles of Leadership – Latino Style

Based on the more than enthusiastic reception I received during a recent keynote to Latino leaders, I thought to augment the conversation with a blog that captures what we as Latinos bring to leadership in our own style.

Cultural humility, cultural competence and self-awareness are critical to defining leaders today.

So what do we offer?  Latino culture and subcultures have a thread that provides a strong leadership pattern– Latino Style.  Have a look.

Epiphany: Trusting Your Wisdom To Guide You

This month brings for many believers the Epiphany, January 6,  when following the brightest star lead to belief, giving, receiving and life.

Whether you believe or not, the importance of epiphany is in the journey we take to find our gifts, talents and the divine in us that calls us to express who we are in the world.

While you may not always see the gift you are, know that you bring gifts of wisdom, joy, and love to the world.

Deem yourself and us worthy of giving and receiving.